All Your Patio Needs Is This Weather-Proof Igloo

You'll definitely be the talk of the town this summer!

Nature lovers know there's nothing more beautiful than leaves turning bright red and yellow during the fall. Or a blanket of white snow before it starts to melt. Or the first green seedlings of spring sprouting out of the ground. Okay, maybe every season has something to offer. The only problem? You might not want to sit outside year-round. Enter: The 360° Garden Igloo.

It's basically a transparent, outdoor tent that'll let you take in all of the views around you, no matter what's happening weather-wise. Gardenigloo created the PVC geodesic dome design using 100% weather-proof material in the hopes that people will spend a little bit more time outside. And they even showed us how to make the most out of the tent during each and every season. Honestly, they're quite persuasive.

For starters, if you don't have a screened-in porch, use your igloo for summer dinners in the backyard. You can set up the grill nearby and watch your steak sizzle as you sip on a beer with company.

And it's just as dreamy at night when lit by a string of lights or romantic candles placed around the table. This situation might be dangerous though, because we could see ourselves having a night cap here ever single night.

Don't have a pool house? This tent serves as a perfect cave for a little shade and still lets the breeze enter as it rolls across the top of the water.

And even during the winter, it offers the same experience as an icy igloo, but without having to finish hours of hard work in the freezing cold first.

See? Just about every season could get even better with the help of this genius garden igloo. Sure, it'll cost you a bit ($849, to be exact), but for people who wish they could live outside a little more in life, that seems well worth the price.

