The Here comes the sun pendant lamp,Designed by BERTRAND BALAS. PL427
Bertrand Balas, born in Toulouse in 1935
likes to watch the sun set over the Garonne river. With that musical lilt
typical of the south, he likes to say: It does me good. In August 1970 he
designed the lamp Here Comes the Sun. At first glance, this original design is
like all the other lamps that get called an ‘Original’. But once lit, the Here
Comes the Sun hanging lamp takes on a magical quality. Darkness looses its
rawness and metamorphoses into something reassuring.
At first sight, this round lamp looks like
many other round lamps. But the Here Comes the Sun by Bertand Balas becomes
magic when the light is on. Depending on your mood, you feel the sun rising,
the sunlight or the moonlight. With
Bertrand Balas’s ceiling lamp the night becomes an expected time. Then the
sweet night begins… We could have called it the sweet light. But the story of
the name of this lamp is also so interesting. When it was released in 1970,
Bertrand Balas wanted to call it Here Comes the Sun because of the Beatles
song, but he declined, he thought that the Beatles would not let him do it.
Love the contrast of the original
architecture with the modern kitchen and streamlined mid century furniture —
plus a stunning view of the surrounding countryside, too. Look at the original
wooden ceiling preserved, it’s gorgeous! The furniture is modern, even
minimalist, and it looks perfectly natural in such a compromised space. Here
Comes the Sun by Bertand Balas is a stylish and harmonious pendant light that
symbolises the rising sun.